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Applications Now Open

Applications are now open for the 2025-2026 school year. The application window remains open through March 6, 2025.

US News Ranking

U.S. News and World Report released its annual ranking of the nation’s best high schools. We are pleased to announce that RTHS has ranked #22 of the top 50 High Schools in North Carolina. This accomplishment is a true testament to the hard work and dedication that all members of the RTHS Community have displayed over the past year. A special thanks to our staff, students and families for working together to make sure our school continues to be great.

Research Triangle High School provides globally competitive Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education by pioneering models of teaching and learning.

The Impact

Chartered March 2012
Opened August 2012

I like being able to take notes on my own at home (while watching Flipped videos) because then I don’t have to slow down in class. I’m able to take in more information that way.

I’m comfortable here because I have teachers that care about me. I don’t feel left out…

I like how they offer AP classes or options – we had AP Biology and AP World Civ last year (9th grade). 

I like RTHS because the labs and the hands-on activities we do in class are really fun.

2022-23 Enrollment


Diversity of Students

Average Class Size


2021-2022 School Performance Grade

Research Triangle High
is proud to be supported by

As an independent public charter high school, we are accountable to the state and the public for the success of our students. We’re accountable to our community to maintain an intentional, diverse and thriving educational environment with our personalized learning model.

Is RTHS right for your family?