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Lottery Application Period

Opens January 5th, 2024
Closes March 5th, 2024
Lottery Held March 19th, 2024

Applications recieved after the close of application will be put at the end of the waitlist in the order it is received.

Tours at the School

Tours are finished for this year – thank you for your interest!

Frequently Asked Questions

What documents are accepted for the proof of address requirement?
  • Current, dated within the last 30 days, gas, water, or electric bill; OR 
  • Current, dated within the last 30 days, signed lease agreement; OR 
  • Signed residential closing statement or construction agreement with closing date within 45 days of application.
Who can apply to RTHS?

To apply to Research Triangle High School your student must be a rising ninth grader or a rising tenth grader and reside in North Carolina. Your student must be currently passing and on track to pass all of their enrolled courses. 

At RTHS, any child who is qualified under the laws of the state for admission to a public school is qualified for admission to a charter school. In order to apply to a charter school, a parent or guardian must be physically living – “domiciled” – in the state of North Carolina at the time of enrollment.  Non-domiciled families must wait until having moved to NC to apply to the school. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, RTHS may refuse admission to any student who has been expelled or suspended from a public school under G. S. 115C-391 until the period of suspension or expulsion has expired.

Application to the Lottery
  1. The RTHS application window will be open from the first full week in January after the winter break until the end of February. Specific dates will be posted on the application site when they are released. RTHS reserves the right to extend the application period but will not shorten it. State charter school policy requires that the application period last no fewer than thirty (30) consecutive days. Since the application is available online, weekends and holidays are no barrier to application and lengthen the period even more. 
  2. RTHS provides a secure, online portal for application. In addition, the RTHS application website provides a downloadable form that can be completed and delivered to the school, and paper applications are available at the school’s front desk. Applications may be submitted online, as email attachments, via fax to the school’s fax number, sent through postal mail, or hand delivered to the school. All that we require is a completed application to be submitted before the application deadline. RTHS staff members review each application for completeness and will contact applicants in the event that an incomplete application is submitted. 
  3. Neither the method of application nor the order in which an application is received has any influence on a student’s likelihood of being drawn in the lottery. 
  4. Proof of address must be submitted at the time of application.
    1. Current, dated within the last 30 days, gas, water, or electric bill; OR 
    2. Current, dated within the last 30 days, signed lease agreement; OR 
    3. Signed residential closing statement or construction agreement with closing date within 45 days of application 
  5. By charter and by board policy, applications are limited to rising ninth and tenth graders only. “Rising” is defined as having successfully completed the previous year of study. For example, a rising tenth grader is enrolled in the ninth grade and expected to complete it successfully before attending RTHS. 6. RTHS does not consider race/ethnicity, special education status, income, area of NC residency, or any other factor not mentioned in this document in its application process.
The Lottery
  1. The lottery will be drawn approximately two weeks after the close of the application window. The date and time of the lottery will be publicized and the drawing will be open to the public. Attendance is not required to be offered admission.
  2. All completed applications received by the close of the application window will be entered into the lottery.
  3. The lottery is drawn electronically using software developed by a national vendor. Results will be posted immediately after the drawing is run. Notifications will be sent to applicants whether they are offered admission or placed on the waitlist. All applicants entered into the lottery will receive notification.
  4. The RTHS lottery is drawn on the basis of the availability of math seats and by grade level needs. Separate drawings are done for each math level and grade. All applicants will be drawn and will be either offered admission or placed on the waitlist for their grade and math level. The number of students at each math and grade level will be announced before the lottery so as to provide the best actual count of students.
  5. Research Triangle High School will follow all rules and regulations regarding enrollment priority as specified required by applicable North Carolina law.  The following groups will have enrollment priority at Research Triangle High School for subsequent school years in the order that follows as space permits in each grade:
    1. Children of full-time employees (may not exceed 15% of total school population)
    2. Children of the charter school’s Board of Directors.
    3. A student who was enrolled in the charter school within the two previous school years but left the school (i) to participate in an academic study abroad program or a competitive admission residential program or (ii) because of the vocational opportunities of the student’s parent.
    4. Students who attend any school that currently has an articulation agreement with RTHS
    5. Siblings of current students (as determined by Charter School law G.S. 115C-238.29F(g)(5a)
    6. Siblings of students who have completed the highest grade level offered by that school and who were enrolled in at least four grade levels offered by the charter school, or if less than four grades are offered in the maximum number of grades offered by the charter school.
  6. Once the lottery is drawn, applicants will be notified by email and either offered admission or told they have been placed on the waitlist. Once offered admission, applicants have two weeks to accept the position by notifying the school. The school staff will follow up with any parents who have neither accepted nor refused the offer.
  7. Not all math levels or grade levels will necessarily be drawn for admission. For example, if there are no spaces available for applicants seeking math 3, these students will be drawn directly to the waitlist for math 3. Even if no students from this list are drawn for admission in the lottery, space may open and the waitlist may still advance.
Waitlist Policies
  1. Waitlists will be populated during the lottery drawing. 
  2. Waitlisted applicants will be offered positions as they become available. Applicants may follow their progress by using the parent application portal. 
  3. Applicants will be drawn from waitlists based on need for grade level and course level. It is possible that grade levels and math levels may interact; for example, a rising tenth grade student in math 2 may be moved from the waitlist and offered admission over a rising ninth grade student in math 2 because of the relative need for tenth grade students. 
  4. Applicants will be notified by the school if a position is available and a timeframe for acceptance of the offer will be given at the time of the notification. Timeframes will become shorter the nearer the offer is made to the first day of school. 
  5. Waitlists will be maintained and applicants may be called until the school officially closes admissions for the school year, which usually happens in late September or early October. Once the school officially closes admissions, no further students will be added except by board policy.
  1. When an applicant accepts the offer of admission, they will be given access to an online enrollment form (the form may be completed on paper as mentioned in “Application to the Lottery”, #2 above). 
  2. Enrollees will be given a window of time ranging from two weeks to days depending on how close to the first day of school the offer is made. Front office staff will work with enrollees to ensure forms are completed properly. If the form is not complete within the given window, the front office staff will check with the applicant to help with the process. Enrollee contacts are logged. After sufficient time, if the enrollment package has not been completed (including the submission of required documents), the offer of admission will be rescinded and the spot offered to the next student on the appropriate wait list.