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Samantha Boucher

Samantha Boucher

sboucher@rthighschool.org Hi! My name is Sam Boucher (boo-shay) and this is my 4th year teaching but my 1st year at RTHS. I am originally from the Adirondack Mountains in Upstate NY and moved to Carrboro, NC in January 2024 with my partner. I have a BA in English...
Emily Wise

Emily Wise

ewise@rthighschool.org I first got into the study of English when I took a blind leap into pursuing an English major in undergraduate at College of Charleston, but I threw myself in once I saw how much I loved it. I kept going with a MA in Literary Studies from...
Ellen Apple

Ellen Apple

eapple@rthighschool.org I am from a family of teachers; mostly in the areas of Special Ed and Science, and I have been teaching Literacy and Language Arts for 11 years, having taken time to also pursue interests in Real Estate and HR. I went to UGA and majored in...
Elizabeth Balazs

Elizabeth Balazs

ebalazs@rthighschool.org I am originally from SC and have a BA in Communication and Media Studies (Clemson University) and a BS in English Lit and Secondary Education (Illinois State). I have over 17 years in the classroom: IL, NC, GA, and TX. I have called the...