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Emily Wise


I first got into the study of English when I took a blind leap into pursuing an English major in undergraduate at College of Charleston, but I threw myself in once I saw how much I loved it. I kept going with a MA in Literary Studies from University of Amsterdam. I moved to NC in 2015 to get an MA in Teaching from Duke. I began teaching in 2016 and have taught all four years of English, film, creative writing, journalism, yearbook, and even art over those years. This is my second year at RTHS, and I teach only freshman English 1. One of the things I enjoy most as a teacher is seeing students find a spark for English and inspiration in high school like I found later. I’ve been known to hook students into a poetry unit with pure enthusiasm. Outside of school I’m a mom, a poet, a quilter, and a runner.


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July 27, 2023