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Local EC Department Contacts

Shelley Jones, Director of Student Services sjones@rthighschool.org  

Jakeyia Ellis, EC Teacher/Case Manager   jellis@rthighschool.org 

Child Find

An effort coordinated by your local school system and the Exceptional Children Division, State Department of Public Instruction to:

  • Locate and identify children and youth ages 0 through 21 with disabilities who are in need of special education and related services
  • Inform parents and/or guardians of the services available from their local school system and other state and community agencies.

Who are the Children?

Children and youth who have been diagnosed or are suspected to have mental, physical, or emotional disabilities and are unable to benefit from a regular school program without special assistance.

What Help is Available?

  • A complete evaluation and, if appropriate
  • An Individual Education Program for children with a disability beginning at age 3
  • An Individual Family Service Plan for each child with a disability birth through 2
  • A referral to other agencies when needed

How Can I Help?

If you know of a child or youth with disabilities who is not in school or receiving special assistance, you can help by:

  • Giving a copy of this brochure to the parents or guardians of the child
  • Encouraging the parent/guardian to contact the school system
  • Lending support to the child and his/her parents/guardians until the referral is complete

For more information, contact:
Research Triangle High School
3106 East NC-54
Durham, NC 27709

Shelley Jones, Director of Student Services

Local Dispute Resolution

Any person who has a concern about the education of a student with a disability can raise the issue in one of several ways. For example, it is always appropriate to discuss the matter with the student’s teacher or principal at the local school, or it is also helpful to contact the Director of Exceptional Children Program in the central office of the school system, charter school, or state operated program.

The Exceptional Children Division’s consultants for dispute resolution and consultants for instructional support and related services are also able to offer consultation to assist parents, advocates, or school system, charter school, or state operated programs personnel who request help with problem-solving.

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